Scene-Specific Trajectory Sets: Maximizing Representation in Motion Forecasting


Representing diverse and plausible future trajectories of actors is crucial for motion forecasting in autonomous driving. However, efficiently capturing the true trajectory distribution with a compact set is challenging. In this work, we propose a novel approach for generating scene-specific trajectory sets that better represent the diversity and admissibility of future actor behavior. Our method constructs multiple trajectory sets tailored to different scene contexts, such as intersections and non-intersections, by leveraging map information and actor dynamics. We introduce a deterministic goal sampling algorithm that identifies relevant map regions and generates trajectories conditioned on the scene layout. Furthermore, we empirically investigate various sampling strategies and set sizes to optimize the trade-off between coverage and diversity. Experiments on the Argoverse 2 dataset demonstrate that our scene-specific sets achieve higher plausibility while maintaining diversity compared to traditional single-set approaches. The proposed Recursive In-Distribution Subsampling (RIDS) method effectively condenses the representation space and outperforms metric-driven sampling in terms of trajectory admissibility. Our work highlights the benefits of scene-aware trajectory set generation for capturing the complex and heterogeneous nature of actor behavior in real-world driving scenarios

PreprintArxiv 2024
Abhishek Vivekanandan
Abhishek Vivekanandan
Research Fellow at FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.